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How to delete my C-date account?

If you want to remove your account on C-date, a website for casual dating, you can easily do that in the Settings of your account.

I’ll show you below how I managed to close my profile permanently using a desktop computer:

 1  Go to

and log in by entering your email address and password on their site.

 2  Select My profile in the main navigation

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 3  Choose Settings in the sub-menu that appears

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 4  Scroll down to the Delete profile link


Warning: It’s hidden very well because the color of the link is nearly the same color as the background color.

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 5  Confirm that you want to cancel your membership


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 ✅  Result

A message will appear:

Your profile has been deleted

=> your account is closed now. Mission accomplished!

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Source (and thanks to):

5 thoughts on “How to delete my C-date account?”

  1. Your solution on how to close the website is not correct. When you get to point No. 5 “CONFIRM THAT YOU WANT TO CANCEL YOUR MEMBERSHIP” and you click on the YES button, you membership does not get cancelled straight away. You still have more paperwork to complete, as follows …..

    To cancel your membership please send us a FAX with the following data:

    E-Mail address: We need your E-Mail address to identify your C-date account , otherwise we cannot execute the cancellation.
    Cancellation reason: Please give us the reason for your cancellation, so that we can further optimise our service for our customers.
    Signature: Your cancellation can only take effect with your signature.

    Click here to open the Cancellation Form … ( However the problem is that when you download C-Dates cancellation form it is blank )

    Please send the FAX to the following number:

    00352 26 30 26 97

    In order to improve the quality of our service, every request to cancel Premium Membership will be confirmed by E-Mail within 2 working days. Should you not receive this confirmation, this may mean we have not been able to process your request (letter/fax was not received, was illegible or blank).

    In this case we would ask you to re-send your cancellation request using the channels indicated.

    Thank you very much Your C-date team

    1. Hi Patti, strange because I received a message that my profile has been deleted, but thanks for making us aware of this.

  2. Getting us to send a fax in this day and age is odd.
    Which other online site works like this?
    Obviously this is aimed at making cancellation incredibly arduous and difficult.
    I think it’s a scam.

  3. This example is just to cancel your account!!!
    But if you have paid them money to become a PREMIUM-member,
    you have to send them a letter, an email, or a fax to cancel that subscription as well

  4. I’m having trouble getting rid of cdate! could you pleas help me? what should I do! I sent the mail but per post but I didn’t say any reason!!! will the cancel my premium membership?

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