Afro romance is a dating website that’s specialized in interracial dating. But when you’ve found the partner you were looking for, you might of course be looking for a solution to close your account. In that case: Don’t look further, because I’m about to explain how you can do that in the Settings of your profile.
I’ll show you below with pictures how I managed to remove my profile on a desktop computer:
1 Go to and sign in to your account.
2 Go to ‘My account’
3 Select the Profile tab
4 Use the Close my account button
5 Last step: Indicate why you want to close your account
and choose Continue.
✅ Result
A message will appear now: Thanks for being a valued member of
If you click on Finish now, you’ll be redirected to their homepage and your account will be removed permanently.
Source screenshots (and thanks to):