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How to delete an MPL account?

Mobile Premier League (MPL) is India’s biggest e-sports platform. But if you’re not using it anymore, you might be considering to close your account. If that case: Don’t look further, because I’m about to explain how to delete your MPL account permanently.

I’ll show you below how I managed to remove my profile using the iPhone app (but steps remain the same for the Android app):

 1  Open the MPL app

 2  Choose ‘Wallet’

 3  Scroll down till you see ‘Help’

 4  Choose Contact us at the top or scroll down to choose Help & support

They both bring you to the contact form

 5  Fill in the contact form:

  • Name
  • Mobile number that you use to play
  • Email address
  • Help category: Other
  • Subject: Delete my account
  • Issue details (e.g.): Can you please delete my account? I’m not using it anymore.

 7  A message will appear: Thank you for contacting support.

 ✅  Result: Your account will soon been closed

As soon as you’ve sent this message, the support will handle your requestion for account removal.

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