If you want to close your account on Kongregate, a publisher of mobile games, you’ll see in this manual that you can only do that by contacting the customer support team.
So to start the account removal procedure, you need open their dedicated form to request a permanent deletion:
1 Open this link: https://kong.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/requests/new?ticket_form_id=66109
2 The request type will automatically be a permanent ban of your account
Make sure you fill in correctly the rest of the form:
- Your email address
- Subject (e.g.): Request to remove my account
- Message (e.g.): Dear Kongregate support team,
Can you please delete my Kongregate account, as I’ve become too old to play games online? My username on your website is (enter your username) & my email address is (enter your email address).
Regards, (your name)
Hit Submit when you’re ready.
3 A message will appear: “Your request was successfully submitted”.
V Result
A few minutes later, you will receive an email from the customer support team. Basically, they will ask you if you want to:
- Permanently delete your account
- or temporarily lock your account
All you need to do, is reply to their email and tell them which option you prefer. Once you’ve done that, they’ll start working on your request.
*Source (& thanks to): kongregate.com